Monday 4 July 2016

Time to get fit!

So, exam season is finally over (Thank God) so now I actually have time to go out and do and achieve things and first on my list? To get fit. During exam season my eating went tits up and I barely went running. I've decided that now I'm on summer and have two and a half months till I start university what better time than to get fit. I've decided to set some goals for myself, with the idea it may inspire some of you lovely people. 
-Run daily: Running is something I've been very on and off with. I go through periods of a few weeks of loving running round my streets in West London and then sinking back into the old 'Oh it's raining' 'Oh I'm too tired' excuse laden ways. However I am now determined to go running everyday so I can built up by strength especially since half of my course is in drama which I will need to keep fit and healthy for. 
-Drink more water: I am ridiculously bad at remembering to drink. This may sound idiotic but I swear I just don't feel thirst I can go a whole day without feeling the need to drink which is obviously not good, especially if I go out drinking alcohol later on. Drinking more water will not only flush out toxins in  your body but give you lovely clear skin and keep you healthy and energized so I really need to up my water intake
-Stop eating chocolate/sweets: Obvious one right? Just stop eating the sugary stuff that has no nutritional benefit to your body. It's probably the most obvious and hardest rule to implement but I have to. 
-Take up yoga every other day- Not only can yoga aid with weight loss and toning but it's also healthy for the mind. I find yoga relaxing and a great thing to put into a daily routine. Just search for a quick video on youtube and get started!

So those are my four basic rules, if any of you are joining in then let me know and I hope I've helped you! I'll update on my progress later

Rachel x

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