Tuesday 5 July 2016

Low price life savers!

Okay so as a student whose just finished A levels and about to start university in September it's safe to say I am pretty damn skint. So there are a few things that I have come up with that are absolute lifesavers for me that I think may help a fellow sister or brother out.

Hands down I adore boohoo. I even brought my prom dress from there for £15 (Steal I know!) the clothes are so reasonably priced with outfits for all occasions. Their casual clothes a great and good quality for the price and their formal wear is stunning for such affordable prices. They often have sales and deals on their postage and packaging and their returns are simple and easy. Could not recommend them more!

Charity shops
Only recently have I really got into the delights of charity shopping and I would urge everyone to give it a go. You can really find some great gems for such good prices, plus you are helping out a charity! And not only for clothes, books and dvds are normally dead cheap as well.

Look online before you buy!
So especially for things like makeup always look online first. You know when you run out of foundation or shampoo and want to nip to the drug store and buy the same brand? Well first check the websites of superdrug, boots, savers, Tesco etc and see which shop is selling it for the cheapest before you go, this way you can be sure you are getting the best offer.

Self tanning
This is aimed at you people who fork out a load on getting a spray tan. I have been using the same amazing self tanner for the past 2 years and I am delighted to inform you it costs £3 for such a lovely finish. It's the st Moriz tanner that you can get from boots and Tesco. It's very similar to the st Tropez tanner but for a fraction of the price. I would recommend getting it in the dark shade. This fake tan does wonders, it doesn't go streaky or look orange but instead gives a lovely brown natural tan glow. Youtube has a ton of different videos on the best way to apply it which I would definitely recommend you watch!

Find out where you can cut spending
For example stop buying food and just bring it from home! Or stop buying all the coffee's and bring one in a flask. These simple steps can save so much money you wouldn't even realise you are spending. This means you can save the money from this and put it towards things you really need or something you will really enjoy!

So I hope my little tips help you out!
Rachel x

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